Extracting data from Excel using Power Automate (Part 8)

The whole power automate sequence

This is the complete power automate sequence I created for our faculty list project. The purpose of the project was to automatically send an email on a monthly basis. The email should list the people who joined the faculty three months prior. We start by creating a number of variables using the Initialize Variable actions. Then we open an Excel file, and for each row, we first make sure there is data in the row itself, and then we perform some calculations to add 90 days to each appointment date. If the month and year of the 90-day variable match the month and year of today’s date, then we add the information from that row into a string called var_faculty_list that is destined to be included in an email. When all of the rows have been reviewed, the var_faculty_list variable is added to an email and sent to the head of faculty affairs.

If you need help with some of the steps or need extra information, refer to the individual parts in this series:

I hope you found this series helpful as you begin your Power Automate journey. If you know of better or more efficient ways of accomplishing the same task, feel free to add a comment to this post.

NOTE: the formulae in the captions are not code formatted, so any quotes will need to be turned to foot marks ‘ within the Expression box

Full sequence

We start with setting the recurrence of the flow. For testing purposes, you may want this set to every hour, but for practical purposes, set this to your required recurrence. In my case, it’s monthly.

recurrence screen. interval of 1, frequency of month
Set your recurrence to once a month.

Initialize all the variables

Next we initialize all the variables we need. I put them all at the beginning so that I knew where they were.

initialize today's date - described below
Initialize the var_todays_date variable as a String with the initial value of expression utcnow()
initialize variable today month year - described below
Initialize the var_today_month_year variable as a String with initial variable of expression formatDateTime(variables(‘var_todays_date’),’MM-yyyy’)
initialize the initial apt variable - described below
Initialize the var_initial_apt variable as String. Leave Value blank
Initialize the apt plus 90 variable - described below
Initialize the var_apt_plus_90 variable as String. Leave Value blank
Initialize the month-year variable for apt plus 90 days - described below
Initialize the var_apt_plus_90_month_year as String. Leave Value blank
Initialize an optional variable of apt add three months - described below
Initialize the var_apt_add_3_months variable as String. Leave Value blank
The purpose for this is an alternate to 90 days. Three months might be more accurate.
initialize format todays date variable - described below
Initialize the variable format_todays_date as String with initial variable expression of
initialize the format initial apt variable - described below
Initialize the format_initial_apt variable as String. Leave Value blank
Initialize faculty list variable. Described below.
Initialize the var_faculty_list variable as String. Leave Value blank

Access the Excel file

As noted in Part 1, the important thing to do here is to set the Format of DateTime to ISO 8601

list rows present in a table screenshot. described below.
Enter the location, the document library, the file, and the name of the table. Then from the Advanced options, ensure that DateTime Format is set to ISO 8601.

Apply to each – Add the condition that ensures that the row is not blank

First we want to make sure that we are working with rows that contain data. This condition ensures that. It checks that the ROW NUMBER field is blank.

If YES (the row is blank), then nothing happens, and it moves to the next row.

If NO (the row contains data), then the rest of the flow occurs.

apply to each screenshot showing ROW NUMBER is equal to blank. If Yes, then nothing. If NO, then actions begin. Only part of the first action is shown.
The first Apply to Each action checks to see if there is data in the row.
If it is not blank, it continues.

Set each of the variables inside the loop

set initial apt variable. described below.
The first action inside the NO field is to set var_initial_apt to the Date of Initial Appointment field from the spreadsheet.
format initial apt variable changes the format from ISO 8601 to a regular date.
Next we format the initial appointment date to make it more user friendly. In the value field enter the expression formatDateTime(variables(‘var_initial_apt’),’MM/dd/yyyy’)
Set the apt plus 90 days variable with a combined formula described below.
Next we set the var_plus_90_days variable with a combination formula that both adds 90 days and sets the format to make the date more user friendly. In the value field enter the expression formatdatetime(adddays(variables(‘var_initial_apt’),90),’MM/dd/yyyy’)

Optional – 3 month version

Optional: If you want to set 3 months instead of 90 days, use the next two actions. If you are fine to just use 90 days, you can skip these.

optional - add to time feature to add 3 months. described below
Use the Add to Time action with the following settings:
Base time: var_initial_apt
Interval: 3
Time Unit: Month
Format the 3-month add to time variable
You would set the var_apt_3_month variable with the following expression formatDateTime(body(‘Add_to_time’),’MM/dd/yyyy’)

Note that the body(‘Add_to_time’) is the variable that you’re formatting here.


For this next action, choose the variable you want to use – either the var_apt_add_3_months or the var_apt_plus_90.

The purpose of creating this variable was to set the month-year of the 90 day appointment, so we can compare it against the month-year of today’s date.

set the month-year variable for the 90 day calculation. described below
Set the var_plus_90_month_year variable to generate a month-year format using one of the expressions below

Apply to Each – Adding a condition comparing the month/year values

This is where the magic happens… if var_today_month_year matches var_apt_plus_90_month_year.

If the month and year for today’s date matches the month and year of the 3-month anniversary for our faculty member (IF YES), add their info to the faculty list variable.

If they do not (IF NO), then do nothing and move onto the next row.

condition screenshot showing a comparison of two variables, the append to string variable action in the IF YES section, and nothing in the IF NO section.

You’ll note how there are several add to actions showing here… The first one is the IF NO action. The second one is there in case there is an action that needs to happen after the YES/NO condition has been reviewed. The third one is still part of the prior (if the row is not blank) condition. In the image above you’ll see a partial Email Send screen which happens after ALL Apply to Each actions have been resolved.

This next screenshot shows the details of the append to string variable from the above conditional screenshot.

an expanded view of the Append to String variable action from the previous graphic. Described below.
You can include all kinds of variables, from the spreadsheet, and from the flow into the append to string variable action.

This screenshot shows first name, last name, department bolded with <b>, then employer information and the email address of the faculty member formatted with <a href code to make in an active link. It also includes the various dates in MM/dd/yyyy format. This is what was presented to the client, so they could choose which of the dates they would want. 90 days is slightly different than 3 months. My client chose 90 days. Yours might choose a different option. That is why I provided both versions of calculating in this page.

Time to send the email

It’s almost anti-climactic at this point, but the final piece to the puzzle is to actually send the email out to the user.

Send email screen. Described below.
Use the Send an email action to generate the email. Add your recipient to the TO field, add a SUBJECT, and add whatever content you wish to add to the BODY. As part of the content, add the var_faculty_list string, which contains all the faculty members whose 3 month anniversary appears in today’s month.

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